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Posted on Aug 29th, 2013
the election cannot be held. To fix this problem. the Quorum for the Annual Meeting and Special Members' Meetings is being set at 20% of the eligible Lot owners, rather than the 50% previously required. The 50% provision has never been attained at any member meeting. THe State Law states that, absent any provison for quorum, 10% of the members shall qualify as a Quorum. The Board believes that rather than set the Quorum provision at the State Law of 10%, a 20% number is more attainable and large enough to provide a fair representation of the neighborhood.
A significant number of changes have been made to consistently use the same terms, clear up ambiguity with respect to notice provisions, the correct use of Executive Sessions within Board meetings, etc. A second significatn change relates to the use of a proxy. This amendment gives members two options: Either vote themselves (like an absentee ballott) or assign their voting rights to a another member to represent them at the meeting. To be counted those proxies who assign their voting rights to a designated representative, must be presented by that representative at the meeting. When the designated reprsentative presents that proxy, they will receive a ballot TO VOTE THE WAY THE REPRESENTATIVE CHOOSES.